The Central Midlands Coastal Football league was born in 1992, this was to be a new era, after the original Central Midlands Football league, which began way back in 1946, was altered to then begin to catering for a more coastal competition.
The CMCFL originally had eight clubs in the league: Cervantes, Dandaragan, Jurien Bay, Moora Rovers, Bindi Miling, Leeman, Moora Warriors and Watheroo.
Both Bindi Miling and Watheroo exited the competition at the completion of the 2004 season. This was due, predominantly, to a lack of numbers for these two clubs.
Leeman, was the next club to exit the league at the completion of the 2008 season, this was also due to a lack of numbers.
In 2009, we were quite fortunate, to have a new club into the league. The Lancelin Ledge Point Football Club was a new era of football in our league.
In 2013, after a long struggle to survive, the two Moora clubs: Warriors and Rovers, made a decision to combine forces and become one club, thus was born the Moora Mavericks.
At present the CMCFL has just five senior clubs in the league, which has resulted in a bye every week. Whilst this is unfortunate, there is little that can be done without having another club in the league.